Denentech high quality HA single row straight 2.5MM wafer board wafer connector
Denentech high quality PH single row right angle SMT 2.0MM wafer Wire to-Board connector
Denentech high quality dual row straight DIP 3.0mm board wafer Wire to-Board connector
Denentech PH dual row straight 2.0MM wafer Wire to-Board connector with lock
Denentech right angle DIP 2.54MM board wafer Wire to-Board connector
Denentech single row right angle 4.20mm board smd wafer connector
Denentech single row right angle DIP 3.00mm wafer Wire to-Board connector
Denentech PHD dual row straight 2.0mm straight wafer connector supplied from stock
Denentech 2.0MM wafer HY single row straight SMT pcb 2.0mm straight wafer connector with lock-1
Denentech ATX dual row straight DIP 4.20mm pcb wafer housing connectors
Denentech 1.5MM wafer WX H3.0MM single row right angle SMT 4pin wafer connector
Denentech PH dual row straight SMT 2.0MM 4 pin wafer connector with lock